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Shadow Analysis

Shadow analysis is a plugin tool for users to do shadow analysis and visualize them in digit twin for their interested area. This plugin enables users to visualize shadows at selected date & time; visualize sky view factor in custom resolution; visualize the animation of shadows change during the selected period; calculate the accumulated shadow intensity.

This tool can be found from the left control panel in Analytics

Run a job

To start your job, click in the shadow analysis model after selecting the case area. More information about creating & selecting a case area please see.

Enter Job name and building footprint WFS URL, then select FID (feature identifier) column for building ID, building id column for building identifier (optional) and height column for building height. These columns should be decimal attributes.

You can load buildings from WFS URL by clicking . After loading the buildings you can edit each building by first clicking . Then you can select the building you want to edit and change the height & rotation of the building or the building size by editing the corresponding numbers. You are able to delete the building by clicking .After these, click next.

In the next tab, you can select date & time for visualizing shadows. If the start time is different from the end time, then please set time intervals.

Selecting at least one output result you want in the last tab. You can also set the resolution for sky view factor & shadow in meter.

Clicking OK button after completing all settings for this job. You can see your job is listed on the left control panel. Processing your job by clicking for running; for deleting; for resetting.

Job results

  • Individual shadows
    • Contains two types of layers with shadow date & time in name.
      You can also get the shadow area, date, time by clicking the polygon in map for each building shadow.
    • Vector layer
    • Raster layer
  • Merged shadows
    • Contains two types of layers with shadow date & time in name.
      You can get the shadow area, date, time for all building shadows in casse area by clicking the polygon.
    • Vector layer
    • Raster layer
  • Shadow animation
    • Click to see the layer on map.
      You can then slide the timeline at the bottom of the screen to see the shadows at different time
  • Shadow Statistics
    • Contains 3 type of result layers.
    • Shadow intensity histogram – illustrate the number of cells been shadowed for times during the job time in bar chart.
    • Shadow intensity pie chart – illustrate the number of cells been shadowed for times during the job time in pie chart.
    • Shadow intensity raster layer – In grayscale. The darker, the more shadowed during the job time.
  • Sky view factor (SVF)
    • A Sky View Factor (SVFs) represents the ratio at a point in space between the visible sky and a hemisphere centered over the analyzed location.
      The result layer is in raster format and green means more sky view at the point while red means less sky view.
  • Edited buildings
    • Click to see the layer in 3D view.
      You can also click the building to see more information.