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  4. IFC conversion

IFC conversion

This documentation describes the process of IFC conversion.

In IFC conversion, here are two services available:

  • Upload data for web access (provide IFC file download link)
  • convert IFC to 3DTiles

Upload data for web access

  1. Click the upload data button to open the upload panel.
  2. Click browse to select the IFC file you want to upload.
  3. Choose the conversion service as “upload data for web access”.
  4. Enter the version name
  5. Click ok to start a conversion

Convert IFC to 3DTiles

  1. Click the upload data button to open the upload panel.
  2. Click browse to select the IFC file you want to upload.
  3. Choose the conversion service as “convert IFC to 3DTiles”.
  4. Enter the version name
  5. Enter the location of IFC model as longitude and latitude
  6. Choose IFC types that need to convert. If you would like to convert all IFC types, just leave this section blank
  7. Click ok to start a conversion

Tools for IFC converted 3DTiles

Create a new version:

This function allows you to change the conversion parameters and create a new conversion based on the previous uploaded IFC models

Load Model:

You can use this function to preview your converted IFC model.

Edit location:

You can use Edit location to edit location parameters to refine the location of the model. Location parameters include lon, lat, height, rotate, scale, and vertical axis.

Get urls:

  • Converted file download link: 3DTiles zip file download link
  • Original file download link: uploaded IFC file download link
  • 3DTiles link: 3DTiles link for web access


Statistics show the duration and conversion steps


Log file

Publish in DT:

This function will publish the converted 3DTiles into data explore and make it publicly available for all the users. For more details about managing 3DTiles access in data explorer, please visit the data access control configuration