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Service Level Analysis

The Fruin Level of Service is a qualitative measure of pedestrian flow and associated pedestrian comfort. Calculations are based on the number of people per unit of area, and levels A through to F reflect pedestrians’ freedom of movement and ability to choose their speed of walking.

Level of Service (LoS) maps are highly visual pedestrian model outputs that demonstrate the density of pedestrian movement for selected areas and time periods. An LoS map output appears similar to a ‘heatmap’, with six different colours each representing a different pedestrian density range and pedestrian experience (Table 1).

LoSWalkways Density (pedestrians per metre per minute)Pedestrian Experience
A<23Free flow conditions which allows the bypass of slower pedestrians and avoids crossing conflicts.
B23 – 33Normal walking speeds and bypass of pedestrians in uni-directional flow. Bi-directional flow may have minor conflicts.
C33 – 49Some walking speeds are restricted. Bi-directional flow will result in frequent adjustment of speed and direction.
D49 – 66Majority of walking speeds are restricted. Bi-directional flow will result in frequent conflict with other pedestrians.
E66 – 82Frequent stoppages and interruptions to flow. Bi-directional movements are difficult.
F> 82Frequent, unavoidable contact with other pedestrians. Bi-directional movement is virtually impossible.
Table 1 Level of service map index, for Walkways environments.

The Walkways LoS index is relevant to assessment of pedestrian densities in circulation areas. Walkways maps are highly valuable to demonstrate the walkway performance for patrons and the potential volatility that can lead to slowing and congestion. The desired densities vary depending on the location, conditions and pedestrian expectations.